Practice News

Our GP Patient Survey Results


We are really pleased to have received our results from this year’s national survey of GP patients. The survey is one of the ways we engage with patients, and we use the information it provides to help us improve the services we provide. Find out more about the all the different ways we get feedback from patients here.  

The survey results show some areas for improvement, which we will be working on and report back in the coming weeks. However the practice overall satisfaction score has increase by a huge 12% in the past year, meaning we achieved a 70% satisfaction rate. We are also keen to support more patients to engage in future.

Read the full results below:

GP Patient Results North Darnall HC.pptx

Published on 25th Jul 2024

Industrial Action

Unions representing doctors in training have announced a number of strikes. Ambulance services, patient transport and NHS111 are not part of this industrial action.

  • The NHS is working hard to keep patients safe during strikes, while delivering the best care possible, and patients should continue to attend appointments as planned unless contacted to reschedule.  
  • Nobody should put off seeking only urgent or emergency care during the strikes, with key services continuing to operate. Please continue to call 999 in an emergency.  
  • Anyone who has an appointment which is affected by the industrial action will be contacted.  
  • We are asking people to attend any of their health and care appointments as usual if they haven’t been contacted.  
  • Please continue to use or contact NHS111 first for general guidance, advice and urgent care needs, this is a free service available 24 hours a day. 

Thank you.

Published on 25th Jun 2024

Cervical Screening Guide Video

This video is a useful watch for anyone nervous about attending a smear, it gives a walk through of what will happen.

Watch Here.

Published on 25th Jun 2024

Cervical Screening Awareness Week 17 - 23 June 2024

Cervical screening is an important tool in the fight against cancer. With nearly 1 in 3 not attending their cervical screening test we want to share where to find information and support if you’re worried about cervical screening or your screening results.

What is cervical screening?

Cervical screening is a way of preventing cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix). It uses tests to find abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix.

The first part of cervical screening is to have a smear test. This is also called the cervical screening test.

We have more information about having a smear test.

How painful is a cervical screening (smear) test? Does it hurt?

A cervical smear test should not hurt, but sometimes it can feel uncomfortable. If you're worried about the test causing you pain, your GP or practice nurse can explain ways they can make the test easier for you.

What is a cervical screening (smear) test looking for?

A cervical screening test checks for abnormal cell changes in the cervix. Cervical cell changes are common, and often improve naturally. But sometimes these changes need treatment because there is a risk they may develop into cancer.

In England, Scotland and Wales, the sample is tested for a virus called HPV first. Samples that show high-risk HPV are then checked under a microscope for abnormal cells.

In Northern Ireland, the sample of cells are now also first tested for HPV.

The aim of cervical screening is to check for certain types of HPV and any abnormal cell changes early that might develop into cervical cancer if left untreated.

Do I need cervical screening if I’m a virgin or from the LGBTQ+ community

Cervical screening is for anyone who has a cervix, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The aim of cervical screening is to check for certain types of HPV and any abnormal cell changes early that might develop into cervical cancer if left untreated. You can get HPV through:

  • vaginal, oral or anal sex
  • any skin-to-skin contact of the genital area
  • sharing sex toys

You're still at risk of cervical cancer if:

  • you've had the HPV vaccine – it does not protect you from all types of HPV, so you're still at risk of cervical cancer
  • you've only had 1 sexual partner – you can get HPV the first time you're sexually active
  • you've had the same partner, or not had sex, for a long time – you can have HPV for a long time without knowing it
  • you're a lesbian or bisexual – you're at risk if you've had any sexual contact
  • you're a trans man with a cervix
  • you've had a partial hysterectomy that did not remove all of your cervix

If you've never had any kind of sexual contact with a man or woman, you may decide not to go for cervical screening when you're invited. But you can still have a test if you want to. If you would be happy to discuss it, making the practice aware of your decisions and reasons is helpful in ensuring we stop keep contacting you, and that we can understand the reasons people chose not to have screening.

If you're not sure whether to have cervical screening, please book an appointment to talk to our nurse.

If you are a trans man or non-binary person and have a cervix, you should have screening too. But, you may not be sent an invitation if you are registered as male with your GP. Tell your GP if you want to have cervical screening, so they can arrange regular tests for you.

You do not need cervical screening if you are a trans woman or were assigned male at birth.

Places to find out more

Cervical Screening Awareness Week (

Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust | Cervical Cancer Charity (

Cervical screening - NHS (

Published on 17th Jun 2024

The impact of Anima on appointments

Part of the reason of implementing total triage was to ensure that those that need treatment can access it as swiftly as possible. It also means that we now understand all the demand of patients and a clinician looks over the request. So if you are asked to wait 10 days for an appointment it's because a clinician has decided you are safe to do so. By asking you questions online or over the phone we are able to:

  • Deal with some issues without appointment.
  • Ensure those need alternate services are signposted there (including dental, talking therapies etc).
  • Provide advice, guidance, and reassurance to those that need it.
  • Answer simple questions.

By doing all of this we have seen a dramatic improvement in the waiting times for appointments. The data below is published nationally and shows how we are over-achieving compared to the national average on patients getting appointments in 2 days and 14 days since we implemented the system.

Continue Reading Here

Published on 28th May 2024



We’re proud to support the Mental Health Foundation this Mental Health Awareness Week – 13 to 19 May. Join in and help to create a world with good mental health for all.
This year’s theme is movement: moving more for our mental health. Get involved by finding and sharing your moments for movement this Mental Health Awareness Week.
Find out more:

Published on 14th May 2024

Tell us what you think - new appointment system

We would like feedback from our patients around our new appointment system.

Please use the link below to let us know if you were able to get to see the person you wanted to at your last appointment.

Take the survey


Published on 10th May 2024

Eid picture

Wishing all our staff, patients and those celebrating a Happy Eid! 💙

Published on 10th Apr 2024

Answers to some of your questions about the new booking system.

We have made changes to the way you book an appointment. The aim is to make it easier to get an appointment and to do away with the 8.30am rush for appointments which is neither fair nor clinically appropriate.

Now, to get an appointment a team of clinicians will go through your symptoms and will make sure you get the help you need as fast as possible.

We have been asking for feedback from patients to make sure that this new approach is meeting your needs.

Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions we have received from patients about this new system.

Published on 5th Mar 2024

Diabetes and Ramadan image

Staying safe with diabetes during Ramadan

If you're living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and plan to fast during the holy month of Ramadan, this free online course will help you to prepare and support you to stay healthy and manage your diabetes safely during this time.

Diabetes UK also has lots of really helpful information on their website to support you during Ramadan (available in Urdu, Bengali, Arabic and English).

Anyone experiencing diabetes-related complications should seek urgent medical advice when they need it.

Published on 5th Mar 2024

The way you book an appointment is changing

The way you book appointments is changing. From Wednesday 3rd January 2024 you will need to be taken through our triage system which is designed to make sure you get the help you need as fast as possible. The triage system means that a team of clinicians will assess your symptoms before giving you an appointment based on your clinical need rather than the time that you contact the surgery. That means that we have done away with the 8.30am rush for appointments! You can call or book online at any time during the day and we can make the appropriate appointment for you. 

How to book from Wednesday 3rd January:

You can book online using the Anima online triage system: Register or Login

Call the practice to be taken through the triage process by one of our team: 0114 233 2803

How will things change for me?

You will have some new ways that you can book an appointment with us through our website but, don’t worry, you can still telephone us or visit the practice if that is what you would prefer.

The biggest benefit is that these changes will mean there will be no more “morning rush” to queue on the telephones. No matter what time you contact us all our appointments will be prioritised by our clinical team based on medical urgency.

Other changes will include:

  • More ways for you to request an appointment.
  • Your case will be assessed by our clinical team who will decide the best plan is for you.
  • If you care for others, you can complete an online request for them quickly and efficiently.
  • You can easily log in to see the status of your request and the outcomes of your current and past appointment requests.
  • You will be asked questions without medical jargon.
  • You don’t need to discuss any medical issues over the phone - you can send an online request helping to improve confidentiality.
  • The system is easier to use if English is not your first language, if you are deaf, or have hearing difficulties.
  • Sometimes a GP is not the best person to help you with your medical concern.  Our clinical team is made up of lots of different specialties and the new system will offer you the best – and earliest appointment for your individual needs.
  • If you do not need to be seen urgently, you will be able to easily choose the most convenient appointment from those available.
  • You will get a text message and email to keep you updated about your appointment times.

When will the new system be launched?

Anima will be launched on Wednesday 3rd January.  As with any new system we may experience teething challenges, but we aim to keep those to a minimum. For more information on Anima please visit

Do I need to do anything?

You will need to register to use Anima

We will send you a message close to when the new system is available to use.


To register you will be sent a text message by the practice with a link to Anima. By clicking the link, you can set up an account by using an email address and creating a password. You will then be asked to verify email via the link sent. Then simply enter your own details Name, DOB, Sex, Postcode, Telephone Number, GP practice and NHS number if known. Once an account is created you can then submit you request to the practice.

Published on 29th Dec 2023

Making it easier to get an appointment at North Darnall Health Centre

We want to put an end to the 8am appointment lottery and to make it much easier for you to get the help you need.

That’s why we are making changes which will make getting an appointment easier and fairer.

What is changing?

We are always looking for ways to improve the experience of our patients. 

At the moment some of our appointments are given out on a “first-come, first-served” basis to those who can call the practice each morning at 8am. It’s definitely not the best way of doing things.

That is why we are introducing a new booking system which will get you the help you need more quickly and conveniently. To make this happen we are introducing a new computer system called “Anima” and putting in place a specialist team of health professionals whose job will be to improve the process of getting an appointment at the practice.

We expect to make these changes by the end of this year and will keep patients updated as to our progress.

How will things change for me?

You will have some new ways that you can book an appointment with us through our website but, don’t worry, you can still telephone us or visit the practice if that is what you would prefer.

The biggest benefit is that these changes will mean there will be no more “morning rush” to queue on the telephones. No matter what time you contact us all our appointments will be prioritised by our clinical team based on medical urgency.

Other changes will include:

  • More ways for you to request an appointment.
  • Your case will be assessed by our clinical team who will decide what the best plan is for you.
  • If you care for others, you can complete an online request for them quickly and efficiently.
  • You can easily log in to see the status of your request and the outcomes of your current and past appointment requests.
  • You will be asked questions without medical jargon.
  • You don’t need to discuss any medical issues over the phone - you can send an online request helping to improve confidentiality.
  • The system is easy to use if English is not your first language, if you are deaf, or have hearing difficulties.
  • Sometimes a GP is not the best person to help you with your medical concern.  Our clinical team is made up of lots of different specialties and the new system will offer you the best – and earliest appointment for your individual needs.
  • If you do not need to be seen urgently, you will be able to easily choose the most convenient appointment from those available.
  • You will get a text message and email to keep you updated about your appointment times.

When will the new system be launched?

We plan to launch Anima from the beginning of December 2023.  As with any new system we may experience teething challenges, but we aim to keep those to a minimum. For more information on Anima please visit


Do I need to do anything?

You will need to register to use Anima

We will send you a message close to when the new system is available to use.


To register you will be sent a text message by the practice with a link to Anima. By clicking the link, you can set up an account by using an email address and creating a password. You will then be asked to verify email via the link sent. Then simply enter your own details Name, DOB, Sex, Postcode, Telephone Number, GP practice and NHS number if known. Once an account is created you can then submit you request to the practice.

Tell us what you think.

We believe that this new way to book an appointment will improve the experience for patients.

However, we want to understand your views so please take our short survey for patients.

Take the survey

Published on 27th Oct 2023

PCS | North Darnall practice is rated ‘good’ by the Care Quality Commission

We are delighted to announce that the PCS | North Darnall practice has achieved a Care Quality Commission (CQC) ‘good’ rating following a recent inspection.

The practice was inspected by the CQC, the independent regulator of health and social care in England, on 19 and 20 July 2023. Overall, the practice is rated as ‘Good’. 

Read More Here

CQC logo
North Darnall Health Centre
CQC overall rating


Published on 12th Sep 2023